Marcia gay harden svu 2006

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Filmmaker Noah Baumbach, Actors' Fund of America Executive Director Joe Benincasa, actor Marcia Gay Harden, student filmmaker Kamaria Alvy Johnson, actor Jennifer Jason Leigh, Association of Independent Commercial Producers President / CEO Matthew Miller, and actor Tamara Tunie were honored during the ceremony as part of the Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre and Broadcasting's 'Made in NY' campaign, which recognizes and promotes entertainment production in New York City.įilmmaker Noah Baumbach has written, directed and acted in numerous films and received a 2005 Academy Award nomination for the 'Made in NY' film The Squid and The Whale, which he wrote and directed. Bloomberg presented the inaugural 'Made in NY' awards to individuals who have made significant contributions to the City's entertainment industry at a ceremony at Gracie Mansion.

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